Attorney Profile

Graybill, Benjamin

Graybill Law Firm

300 4th Street North
Great Falls, MT 59401

(406) 452-8566

Employment Law, Insurance, Legal Malpractice, Medical Malpractice, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, Product Liability, Professional Malpractice, Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment

Will consider cases statewide, other court(s) and states(s) admitted to practice: MT District Court, US District Court, US Court of Appeals, US Court of Federal Claims

Montana Lawyer Referral Service is a directory provided by the State Bar of Montana to assist its members and the public in locating an attorney. All lawyers listed in Montana Lawyer Referral Service are members of the State Bar of Montana. The State Bar of Montana does not recommend or endorse the services of those listed, nor does the omission of others from this directory imply a negative assessment, or any evaluation or recommendation whatsoever. Nothing in this Montana Lawyer Referral Service directory should be relied upon as legal advice. The information on these pages has been supplied by the persons and firms listed, and the State Bar of Montana has not reviewed, investigated, or evaluated the accuracy or completeness of the information, or qualifications or competency of those listed. The State Bar of Montana, and its members, and employees hereby disclaim any responsibility or liability claimed to have arisen from reliance upon the information contained in the MontanaMontana Lawyer Referral Service directory.

Neither the State Bar of Montana nor any agency of the State Bar has certified any lawyer identified here as a specialist or as an expert.