Iowa Find-A-Lawyer
A service provided by The Iowa State Bar Association |
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Information Center
Areas of Law
Frequently Asked Questions
Low Income Legal Assistance
Selecting a Lawyer
Informational Brochures
There are a number of good reasons to participate in the FIND-A-LAWYER program, including:
- An exponential increase every year by the public to find information by using the internet.
- A need to maintain the ISBA’s current top spot in the internet search engines as a source for finding Iowa attorneys, and to fend off other organizations that are moving rapidly to become the top providers of attorney searches, usually at a much greater cost per year to the participants.
- An opportunity to improve the chances for better matches because the web-based service offers the opportunity to include much more information about each attorney participant.
- Better quality potential clients because use of the internet requires at least some effort on the part of the individual seeking an attorney.
- Exposure worldwide so that potential clients who reside outside Iowa but need an Iowa based attorney can find an attorney.
- An opportunity to grow your practice.
The charge for participating is $100 for the first lawyer in a firm, and $20 for each additional attorney in the same firm. This is an annual fee and will be billed on a calendar year basis. There are no rebate or percentage fees and no monthly reporting requirements in the FIND-A-LAWYER program, as there were in the early days of the ISBA’s old Lawyer
Referral Service.
Download an application now! |
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The ISBA FIND-A-LAWYER service is not a directory of ISBA members.
For a full listing of attorneys licensed to practice in Iowa you should visit the Iowa Supreme Court's website.
ISBA FIND-A-LAWYER service is a directory provided by The Iowa State Bar Association to assist its members and the public in locating an attorney. All lawyers listed in FIND-A-LAWYER are members of The Iowa State Bar Association. The Iowa State Bar Association does not recommend or endorse the services of those listed, nor does the omission of others from this directory imply a negative assessment, or any evaluation or recommendation whatsoever. Nothing in this FIND-A-LAWYER directory should be relied upon as legal advice. The information on these pages has been supplied by the persons and firms listed, and The Iowa State Bar Association has not reviewed, investigated, or evaluated the accuracy or completeness of the information, or qualifications or competency of those listed. The Iowa State Bar Association, and its members, and employees hereby disclaim any responsibility or liability claimed to have arisen from reliance upon the information contained in the ISBA FIND-A-LAWYER directory.
Neither The Iowa State Bar Association nor any agency of the State Bar has certified any lawyer identified here as a specialist or as an expert.